Thursday 5 May 2011

scary movie.

pre - production;
during our groups Pre production, we explored many different and new things, we learnt that even planning a film is difficult, let alone re making a film, or at least one scene of a film. firstly, with great difficulty we figured our what film we were doing, next we figured out what scene we were going to do, we then took in turns to draw and label our story board as a draft. Next we sat down and talked about who was going to play which character, we wrote it down in our books and wrote what costumes we were going to use, we also wrote down each persons script and practiced it over and over.

Unfortunately during our film making we came across many errors. we worked as a team to fix them and helped each other out, we then worked everything out and our film turned out nicely. the errors we developed are, we didn't know how to use the camera very well, we got confused and it kept stuffing up and deleting some parts that we recorded, we then figured out that we were pressing the wrong buttons, we often argued with one another but we got through it and put up with each other, some days some people in our group weren't here so a few of us had to edit the film on our own, but we did okay.

Whilst re making the scene in our film (scary movie) we came across the errors above ^.
we also came across some funny parts, we got a laugh out of making our film and thoroughly enjoyed doing this activity, some parts were really boring but we knew we had to do it.
first of all, we got our costumes on, then got the camera and tripod and all the equipment we needed to make the film, we figured out where we were going to do our film and went there straight away, we filmed each persons part of the scene, this took a few weeks but it went well.

post production, editing:
After completing our actual production, we then took all our time to edit our film, this seemed to take forever because it was boring and not exciting like doing the production, the teacher taught us how to use the IMOVIE icon on the IMAC screen, we then copied our films off the camera onto the computers and started editing our film, we cut bits out, added parts, changed voices, changed background colour, added sounds and all sorts of things. over all making this film was alright fun.

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